
Our hope is that Trinity Church Nottingham is a place in which people have an opportunity to experience God’s love and goodness. We want everyone’s time at Trinity to be the best part of their week – a place of refuge for all that attend. This means that we aim always to be a safe and loving community which enables people to grow as followers of Jesus.


Jonny Hughes


Jane Overnell

Safeguarding Lead


Estefano Hammer

Safeguarding Assistant

Tanya Wilson

Parish Safeguarding Officer for Kids & Youth

Kate Fear

Safeguarding Assistant for Kids

Luke Meadows

Parish Safeguarding Officer for Adults and Sunday Morning Services

Sam Watkins-Smith

Parish Safeguarding Officer for Students and Sunday Evening Services

Martha Stewart

Parish Safeguarding Officer for Home Space

Lyn Bignall

Trustee for Safeguarding

Phone: 07545 572233

Diocesan Team

We refer all safeguarding information to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who can be contacted for advice

Southwell Diocese Safeguarding Team
Phone: 01636 817 200


The following numbers are to use the case of emergency and the above cannot be contacted

Nottinghamshire Police Child Protection Team
999 in an emergency, or, 101 in less urgent cases

Nottingham City Council

Childrens Team — 0115 876 4800
Adults Team — 0300 131 0300
Emergency Duty Team for both Children and Adults — 0300 456 4546 

Domestic Abuse Statement

The church considers that domestic abuse in all its forms is contrary to the will of God and an affront to human dignity. The welfare of the adult victim/survivor of domestic abuse is important, but where children are in the family they too are victims. Domestic abuse is fundamentally about the power and control of one person over another, usually in an ‘intimate’ relationship and is inflicted by using Coercive or Controlling behaviour. Controlling behaviour is a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them and depriving them of their means for independence. This may lead on to Coercive behaviour which is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish or frighten their victim. Whenever domestic abuse is suspected you must refer this through to the Safeguarding Team immediately who will in turn refer to the Southwell Diocese Safeguarding Adviser to advise and support. Our aim at TCN will be to support the abused individual to keep themselves and anybody else living in their household, safe. But, our overarching consideration will ALWAYS be the safety of any children that may be affected or involved in the abusive relationship. Therefore, where anyone under the age of 18 is involved with or is witnessing an abusive relationship, we will always immediately refer to the Southwell Diocese Safeguarding Adviser, or if we believe that the child or the adult is at immediate risk, to the police.

Where there are no children involved and the adult is not at risk of immediate harm, we will work with the abused victim to signpost them to appropriate agencies and to provide support wherever and whenever feasible and appropriate.

Past Case Review 2

We take safeguarding seriously at Trinity and as part of this we are cooperating with The Church of England as they are undertaking a second review of safeguarding files (Past Case Review, PCR2) which is aiming to identify both good practice and institutional failings of past allegations of abuse. Should you feel that this may relate to you, please contact the safeguarding team at Jubilee House by email at or alternatively an independent dedicated phone line has been set up by the NSPCC which can be reached at 0800 80 20 20.


At Trinity Church Nottingham we see taking images of life within our community as an great way of recording, celebrating and informing others of the positive experiences of being part of a vibrant and caring family of God. 

Therefore at various times throughout Church life you may notice people taking photos or videos.

To make you feel as safe as possible the list below is a general overview of our full Photographic Policy (which you can ask for on request to

  1. All of our official photographers will wear a pink lanyard stating who they are

  2. We will never identify anyone by name in any of the photos taken unless:

    • it is part of their role to be identified such as the Vicar, Curate, member of the team, or, 

    • they have given their consent

  3. Before use, we will get the appropriate consents for any images of Children (Under 18) or an adult at risk of harm, and,

  4. We will get your consent for any facial images of you involved in an overtly Christian activity such as your Baptism, taking Communion or being actively involved in worship

If you do NOT want your image used, please contact the Media Team on who will inform the rest of the team.  

It is though, important to stress, that if you don't want an image taken or used, the most effective way to ensure this happens will be for you to exit the camera shot. 

Alternatively, if you are happy for it to be used, go ahead and give us a big smile!